Saturday, May 17, 2008


Wow, itrs been a confusing week. Well, to start out I got two birthday invitations, one friday, one saturday, and all was well, I could go to both, I RSVPed . The next day I couldnt go. Apparently were going to new orleans. The day of the party, my stepmom comes in and is like well we arent going to new orleans so go to your party. I went and then I couldnt go to the saturday on ecaus i had a softball game and it was the same time as the party. On the way home from the friday party me and my dad stop by my moms house for me to say hey and she said the game isnt until tomorrow! So I got to go to both and i was really happy.

Monday, May 12, 2008


hey people! I havent got on in such a long time! I got grounded for a bad, no horrible, grade! Lets just say the letter right behind E in the alphabet! Well, lets get you updated! Im going out with Dakota, Im selling hershey kisses good-bye at recess for cheerleading uniform money, im almost done with softball and well, thats about it. That was for maddi who asked for an update!